Dall'ospitalità alla socialità, i nuovi luoghi dell'esperienza

Event “From hospitality to sociality, the new places of experience”

Training event Order of Architects


Sitlosophy supports a training event for architects that will take place on Friday 20 September 2024 at the Grand Hotel Imperiale in Moltrasio (CO).

A talk on hospitality focused on the reflection of the social and cultural changes of our era that are leading to a general rethinking of the places where exchanges and interactions take place. These are new spaces that encourage participation in the life of the territories of people, organizations and communities and that require careful analysis and planning by professionals and technicians, on a par with that which has affected, especially in recent years, the spaces in which we live and work.

The hospitality sector – that of free time, which for a long time has been understood as a place dedicated to holidays and relaxation or business trips – is also constantly evolving. Hotels are trying to open up to the territory and the community in which they are located, expanding their range of services and activities to offer to customers and citizens to create a greater and lively exchange and integration with the territory, transforming themselves into the so-called “third places”. By including art, design, work and, more generally, artistic-cultural events, hotels can thus be experienced all year round, overcoming the concept of seasonality.

The large group of speakers will bring a personal testimony on this topic, engaging in an open dialogue between themselves and the public. During the meeting, an attempt will be made to outline an evolutionary perspective of this sector, documenting through concrete cases how the trend is already underway and requires, especially in Italy, urgent research and translation.

  • Theme: hospitality and new perspectives
  • Title: NEW PLACES. From hospitality to sociality, the new places of experience
  • Date: Friday 20 September 2024
  • Location: Grand Hotel Imperiale, Via Regina 24/26 Moltrasio (CO)
  • Recipients: Orders of Architects CO- LC- MB-VA
  • Training credits: release of 4 CFP to members of the Orders of CO, LC, MB, VA
  • Maximum number of participants: 120. Possibility of webinar connection.
  • Speakers and moderators: Arch. Michela Locati – Arch. Massimo Gianquitto


Talk Program


  • 10:00 meeting – registration of participants – greetings to the institutions of the presidents of the Orders
  • 10:30 start of work – first part
  • 12:30 end of work – first part
  • 12:45 lunch
  • 14:00: resumption of work – second part
  • 15:30: end of work – second part

If you want to learn more about this topic on our magazine click here.