FSC Forest Week: sustainable design with Sitlosophy

23 September saw the start of FSC Forest Week, the global campaign promoting responsible forest management and the protection of those who depend on them.

Sustainability is a central theme in today’s global landscape.

Awareness of the importance of preserving natural resources and promoting responsible business practices is growing rapidly. In this context, FSC Forest Week, known as FSC Friday, presents itself as a crucial event.

The significant transformation: from FSC Friday to FSC Forest Week

FSC, which stands for Forest Stewardship Council, is an international non-profit organisation that promotes responsible forest management worldwide. For many years, FSC Friday has been a regular event to raise awareness of the importance of using FSC-certified wood in products. Recently, this event has evolved into something broader and more ambitious: FSC Forest Week.

FSC Forest Week takes place over a whole week and involves a series of initiatives, events and campaigns to educate, inspire and mobilise individuals and companies to support the responsible use of forest resources. Sitlosophy has enthusiastically embraced this initiative and has integrated FSC Forest Week into its ongoing commitment to sustainability.

Sitlosophy’s Commitment to Sustainability


But how is the commitment to sustainability concretely expressed?

Sitlosophy has put in place a series of initiatives to make its commitment to environmental sustainability tangible.

1. Use of FSC-certified materials

One of Sitlosophy’s main initiatives is the use of FSC-certified wood. This means that the wood used comes from sustainably managed and environmentally friendly forests. The use of certified wood is not only for those products with visible wood such as Enkei or Lagom, but also for products where wood is a non-visible but fundamental component of the structure. The choice to use FSC-certified wood should not only be an image choice but a fundamental choice in a path to promote sustainability at 360°.

2. Recycling and eco-friendly materials

In addition to FSC-certified wood, Sitlosophy is committed to researching sustainable alternative materials. Our company invests in research and development to use recycled and eco-friendly materials, thus reducing the environmental impact of production.

3. Durable design

Another pillar of the Sitlosophy philosophy is durable design. Our products are designed to last, reducing the need for frequent replacement and promoting a culture of responsible consumption.